What are lice?
Lice are tiny parasites. They infect the human head and neck, and survive by sucking blood from the scalp. Lice spread by close person-to-person contact. They can crawl, but do not jump or fly. Itchy scalp is the most common symptom.
Head lice do not cause other diseases, however they can be very embarrassing. Many people associate them with poor personal hygiene or dirty living conditions. These stereotypes are not true. Lice are common, and anyone who has head-to-head contact with an infected person can get them.
Additional Resources
For Providers
- Clinical Care of Head Lice—CDC.
- Head Lice Clinical Report—Pediatrics, 2015.
For Schools & Childcares
- Managing head lice in a school setting—NASN.
- Head lice information for schools—CDC.
- Head Lice Clinical Report—Pediatrics, 2015.
For Parents
- Head Lice: What Parents Need to Know—American Academy of Pediatrics Healthy Children
- How to Help Prevent and Control the Spread of Head Lice—American Academy of Pediatrics Healthy Children
- Facing Head Lice: A Guide for Families—National Association of School Nurses Lice Lessons