12/06/23 Health Advisory: Test perinatally exposed children for hepatitis C. Health Advisory, Hepatitis, Provider Resources
11/21/23 Health Advisory: Nirsevimab supplies are short. Advisory or Update, Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, Health Advisory, Provider Resources, Vaccine
10/16/23 Health Advisory: FDA Authorized New Novavax COVID-19 Vaccine Formulation Advisory or Update, COVID-19, Health Advisory, Immunizations, News and Alerts, Notifiable Conditions, Provider Resources
09/28/23 Health Advisory: 2023–2024 Respiratory Illness Season Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, COVID-19, Influenza, News and Alerts, Provider Resources
09/26/23: Regional healthcare organizations adopt masking guidelines Advisory or Update, COVID-19, News and Alerts, Provider Resources
09/19/23 Health Advisory: New COVID-19 Vaccines Authorized, Previous Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccines Deauthorized Advisory or Update, Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, COVID-19, Provider Resources
08/21/23 Health Advisory: DOH links listeria outbreak to Frugals restaurant in Pierce County Advisory or Update, Health Advisory, News and Alerts, Provider Resources
07/19/23: The first case of Candida auris diagnosed in Washington Emerging Diseases and Conditions, News and Alerts, Provider Resources
04/24/23 Health Advisory: Bivalent COVID-19 Vaccine Use Expanded, Monovalent No Longer Authorized Advisory or Update, Communicable Disease and Immunization Update, COVID-19, Health Advisory, Immunizations, News and Alerts, Notifiable Conditions, Provider Resources
04/19/23 Health Advisory: Tuberculosis Testing and Treatment for People Newly Arrived from Ukraine Advisory or Update, Health Advisory, Infection Control, News and Alerts, Notifiable Conditions, Provider Resources